Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4, 2011 Day 40

Today I have been sitting in a recliner most of the day with my leg up but not over my heart.   I also slept without the extra pillows propping my leg up (since they fell off the bed in the night).   The outside of my foot burns, once again, feels like the incision is burning.   Also, my heel is sore.    I wonder if the skin is just so dry that it is cracking and creating sores under my cast.   Well, one week from today, we'll find out!!
Bottom of my foot is numb.   No pain meds yet today and only one in the afternoon yesterday.   I have been getting some of those miserable shooting pains in my heel today but they are nothing as severe as in week 2 and week 3.  
Happy 4th of July and thank God for this computer to entertain me since I'm stuck in a house nearly 100% of the time!!  (can you say cabin fever.....severe cabin fever)

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