Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 3, 2011 Day 39

I've been reading other's blogs/experiences and I do think I am not experiencing all the problems some have.    Reading what other's have/are going through has been very therapeutic for me.    My surgeon never explained to me what all was going to happen, so I hadn't done the research.   I'm not sure that is a bad thing after reading some blogs.   I may have only had the tendon repair done.

 I will admit that I did suffer a great deal of pain after the block wore off.    My mom has been with me the entire time helping me and gosh, did I put her through some pain in my first week.  
If anyone reads this, I highly recommend keeping your foot elevated as much as possible.    I also recommend getting an ice pack machine for the first two weeks.    The morning after my surgery, I had to call in to the doctor's office and tell them the oxi wasn't working.   They had an ice machine delivered and the combination of icing and elevating did the trick.   Of course, being hooked up to that machine is a pain because anytime I wanted to get up and move around or use the restroom, I had to remove the "boot".   Since my mobility was limited, my mom had to help me put it back on each time.   What a pain I was for her.   One note, you can NOT do this on your own.   Between the physical pain and the emotional stress, you will need help the first two weeks.  Plan on it!!

Since my surgery was on my right foot, I cannot drive.   Today, my mom drove me to a hair appointment and then a little grocery shopping.   It was so hot and my fear of getting this cast wet (from sweat) caused me some anxiety.    I tire very easily and adding 95 degrees with high humidity doesn't help.  When I got home, I took a 5/325 Norco, elevated my foot and rested for three hours.    I did struggle sleeping last night but that was mainly due to the late night fireworks going off.   (I really do not enjoy loud fireworks)    Woke up a little late.    My foot always has feeling.   Frequently the outside of my foot burns.   (Feels like the incisions are raw)   The bottom of my foot feels numb.   Best way to explain this feeling is like you stepped in mud and the mud has dried tight on the bottom of the foot.   My big toe still feels dead.

My cast comes off in 8 days.    There is no way I can imagine putting any weight on this foot.  Scares me to even think of it.

If you are reading this, I hope you have a great day.

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