Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17, 2011, Day 53

I slept hard last night.   I didn't sleep well the night before so I was overly tired.    I think the antibiotic is taking its toll on me.   I have a little rash on the top of my foot/lower leg area on my booted foot.   It looks like a heat rash.   Mom thought it was probably some sort of allergic reaction to the antibiotic.    Thank goodness I only have 2 days left.
My foot aches.   I've had more of those shooting pains that I was getting severely at three weeks out.   However, they are not as severe.   Also, I'm not feeling that tingling in my arch that I was feeling in the cast.   My skin was sooo dry in the cast that I think it was cracking a bit.    I struggle changing the bandages and wrappings on my foot.   My weight is in the way and is going to have to be addressed.   I've done so many diets and failed that I'm trying to just cut done my portion sizes.  
I am ashamed at how little I'm accomplishing during all of this.   I  am physically uncomfortable trying to sit up for too much time so I'm discouraged.    These meds make me tired so I'm hoping that once I'm done, I'll be more optimistic.   I haven't taken a pain pill for 6 or 7 days and even then it was just one 5/325 Norco.    The discomfort is minimal so I'm not going to allow myself to rely on those.   They cause a huge amount of anxiety once I stop taking them.
I'm not walking on my foot at all and struggle with the crutches.    I have 8 more days until I go back to the Doc's office.   I'm counting on him telling me that I'll be able to bear some weight.    God help me if he delays me again!!

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