Sunday, July 31, 2011

July 31, 2011 Day 67

Walked quite a bit this morning with my crutches and boot.    Foot just hurts.  Still feels like I'm walking on a grill.  However, I think it might not feel as sharp so that is a good sign.   Maybe the healing will be slower than I thought.   It is so blasted hot here that I am now sitting in my chair elevating my foot and contemplating a nap.

No pain pills.   If I thought I could stay awake I might consider one but they do cause me anxiety that I don't need.

God Bless.

PS.  Yesterday after walking with boot and crutches my foot was a sausage foot.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 30, 2011 Day 66

I can't believe it.  I made it 65 days without falling and today I wiped out on my knee walker.   I didn't hit the ground but I put full weight on my bad foot.   It didn't hurt that bad and I didn't twist my foot.   Another blogger has helped me tremondously.   I didn't twist my ankle and I think pre surgery, I would have twisted it immediately.   Maybe, oh maybe this surgery will actually make my foot better.   Cuz I'm such a chub and need to get tonnage off of my little feet, I started the HCG diet.   I'll be posting comments on that as well.

God Bless.

July 29, 2011 Day 65

Bad day.   That's all I've got to say about the foot today.    I had those stabbing pains hit me hard again today.   They had stopped weeks ago and then bang.   I could also hardly walk on it.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28, 2011 Day 64

I think I've finally figured out how to maneuver on my crutches and not bear as much weight on my foot.
My heel is still quite uncomfortable.  I guess I write this down so that I can remember how far I've come when I look back on my healing process.   I do think I am a bit better today then I was on Monday but dang, my heel is uncomfortable.  Next time I go to the store, I am going to pickup a tennis ball so I can roll my foot over the ball and give myself a little foot massage.   Still have the heel scab but it is loosening up.   The side of my foot still burns but much less often then before and not nearly as severe.  So there you go, just typing about the incision has reminded me that I have healed in the last couple of weeks.
That's it for today, boring I know, but this is a sllloooowwww process.

God Bless

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 27, 2011 Day 63

Two days of bearing weight and my heel still feels like I'm walking on the edge of jar lids or landscape edging, or like a grill.    The blood blister/scab I had on the back of my heel is still there.  I am putting antibiotic ointment on it to keep it soft.   If I don't when I bear any weight it feels like it is pulling too hard on my skin.    Pretty discouraged today because of how uncomfortable it is to step down.   No pain pills though.   Pain isn't that bad, it is just extremely uncomfortable.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26, 2011 Day 62

Yesterday was a big day for me.   I had my doctor's appointment, another XRAY, and received good news that my bone had "filled" in.   Now I am able to start bearing weight.   The incision had scabbed over (even though I don't see a scab and it still burns).     I did alot of walking yesterday with my crutches.   I am way overweight so I only put about 75% of my weight on the foot.   This morning, it is a little sore.   When I step down, it feels like I am walking on bars or a very sharp, uneven surface.   I called the doctor's office and was told this is because I haven't been walking.    They also gave me the okay to start using my stationary bike.   I can already see the muscle in my lower leg start to develop.   I had nothing but flab there two weeks ago.   This is going to be a long recovery but I am at least starting a new phase and am encouraged about that.

Have a great day and God Bless.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17, 2011, Day 53

I slept hard last night.   I didn't sleep well the night before so I was overly tired.    I think the antibiotic is taking its toll on me.   I have a little rash on the top of my foot/lower leg area on my booted foot.   It looks like a heat rash.   Mom thought it was probably some sort of allergic reaction to the antibiotic.    Thank goodness I only have 2 days left.
My foot aches.   I've had more of those shooting pains that I was getting severely at three weeks out.   However, they are not as severe.   Also, I'm not feeling that tingling in my arch that I was feeling in the cast.   My skin was sooo dry in the cast that I think it was cracking a bit.    I struggle changing the bandages and wrappings on my foot.   My weight is in the way and is going to have to be addressed.   I've done so many diets and failed that I'm trying to just cut done my portion sizes.  
I am ashamed at how little I'm accomplishing during all of this.   I  am physically uncomfortable trying to sit up for too much time so I'm discouraged.    These meds make me tired so I'm hoping that once I'm done, I'll be more optimistic.   I haven't taken a pain pill for 6 or 7 days and even then it was just one 5/325 Norco.    The discomfort is minimal so I'm not going to allow myself to rely on those.   They cause a huge amount of anxiety once I stop taking them.
I'm not walking on my foot at all and struggle with the crutches.    I have 8 more days until I go back to the Doc's office.   I'm counting on him telling me that I'll be able to bear some weight.    God help me if he delays me again!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15, 2011, Day 51

I haven't had the best week.    Last week my foot and legs felt strong.  Unfortunately, I haven't been up walking much for a week and I lost quite a bit of strength.  Today, my mom took me to the local mall and I roll/walked for about 15 minutes.   I was pretty tired.   Then we went out to lunch and I am tired.
Last week, when I thought that the burning I was feeling on the side of my foot was the incision area or nerves, it turned out to be that about a two inch section of my incision had opened up.   I believe my last post talked of this.    I've been treating it for 5 days with the wrap that the doc said would help it heal faster.   It still burns.     I don't have much to report.   The antibiotic makes me pretty sleepy and dizzy.   I have about three days left and then I'll be done with that.
Have a great day.

God Bless

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12, 2011 Day 48

Day 48, it has been a couple of days since I posted.    I survived a 9 hour drive with only one stop.   I paid for it a bit the next day in that my foot was sore and I was exhausted.     I don't know why I am exhausted when all I do is sit and do nothing.   I had my doctors appointment yesterday and had the cast removed at day 47.    I had an XRAY done and the doc said the bone hadn't healed so I am in a boot, not bearing any weight.   I go back in two weeks.  (day 61!! almost 8 weeks).   My incision on the outside of my foot had opened up so I have to do a daily cleaning and am on an antibiotic.   I do get to take a shower!!  I bought a shower chair that is wonderful.   It is a transfer chair so no fear of climbing in and out of the tub.  My first shower was today.   First shower in 7 weeks.   (no more bending over the sink)   My mom has to help be clean my incision.    I can't bend over that well without twisting my ankle (I am overweight).   We have to "pack" the incision with some bandage that has silver particles in it.   I am told that speeds up the healing.   Interesting.    Well enough for today.   The antibiotic makes me a bit woozy and very, very tired.  
Have a great day and God Bless.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 9, 2011 Day 45

Didn't post anything yesterday but I had a pretty good day.   I felt a few aches and pains in my arch area but didn't really feel that burning sensation on the side of my foot that I have been feelng.   Today, the burning sensation is back.   I'm not sure what is causing that.   Also the skin going up my heel feels very tight inside my cast.   I've been stretching my toes a bit and maybe that subtle movement is stretching the skin.   No idea.   I'm a little braver wiggling my toes, etc since the doc originally wanted me to return at 6 weeks which would have been Wed - Friday.   Their offices were closed so I don't go back until Monday which will be  be at day 47, nearly 7 weeks.   The skin on my legs feels disgusting, the little part that I can reach.    I haven't had a pain pill/aspirin/ anything for a week.  Tomorrow we are going to be in the car for about 9 -11 hours (depending on how well I ride).     I'll keep my leg as cool and as elevated as I can.   May have to take a Norco just to keep me settled and able to sit.   Pretty uneventful couple of days.   I'm just in the "waiting" mode right now so not alot to post.   If you are going through this, I just wanted to share.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7, 2011 Day 43

I roll/walked at the mall today.   I actually kept moving for 30-35 minutes straight.   I, of course, was a sweaty mess and my resting knee was killing me.    I sat and people watched for the next hour and a half while I chatted on the phone.   Remember to get out of the house.   Don't get cabin fever.     I've talked about the change of scenery in previous posts but it really does make the day worth while vrs just enduring.
I still have the burning sensation on the outside of my foot and I assume that is the incision area.   I get the cast off in 4 days.   No pain pills today.
Remember, it's not about what you can't do but what you can.   Ask for help!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 6, 2011 Day 42

I had my surgery six weeks ago today.    For some reason, I thought that on this day my foot would magically feel so much better and I'd be stronger.   Well, my foot does feel a bit better but the bottom half of my foot is still completely numb, and the side of my foot still burns.    My mom dropped me off at the mall today so I could go roller walking.   I made it nearly two hours.  Ya hoo.  Of course, that was roll walk for 15 minutes sit and people watch 15 minutes.   I still sweat like a pig when I move but since my cast comes off in 5 more days, yes I said 5 more days, I'm not as concerned with it getting sweaty and smelling.   This cast is on its home stretch!!    Then my sis in law picked me up and we came back to my mom's for lunch.   Geez am I tired.   Change of scenery is good and helps tire me out.   I'm hoping to sleep better tonight.   I didn't have any of those miserable shooting pains yesterday and so far today, none.   Oh, how I hope I am done with those.    Haven't had a pain pill in, 3 days I think, maybe 4 now.     This pain is tolerable and when I think back, the pain was tolerable, but the endless hours of immobility weren't.   Not moving, not seeing the outdoors has been very difficult.   I still can't climb steps without a railing.   I know, I know, that is just weak!!
If you are having or had this surgery, try to get out and see something new today.   Remember, it's not about what you can't do or see today, but what you can do and see.

God Bless.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5, 2011 Day 41

Today, I got out of the house.    I went to the local book store and wheeled my knee roller around for about 2 hours.   Of course, most of that was sitting.   After about 10 minutes of moving, I was sweating horribly.   My hair was soaked and my shirt was damp.    Very gross and frustrating.    I have been doing "some" floor exercises but obviously not enough.   I haven't had a pain pill for two days.    I'd sure like to take one because the side of my foot burns but it is more of a dull ache.   I am going to try to toughen up and get those meds out of my system.    I'm hoping that will help lessen the sweating when I do try to move.  
Six more days until the cast comes off.   The only reason I'm excited is because it is a new phase.   I'm not anticipating any new progress as far as being more mobile and being able to walk, but I'll hopefully be able to wash my foot and shave my leg!!

I ate well today.    No fatty foods and much less intake.

God Bless everyone.

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4, 2011 Day 40

Today I have been sitting in a recliner most of the day with my leg up but not over my heart.   I also slept without the extra pillows propping my leg up (since they fell off the bed in the night).   The outside of my foot burns, once again, feels like the incision is burning.   Also, my heel is sore.    I wonder if the skin is just so dry that it is cracking and creating sores under my cast.   Well, one week from today, we'll find out!!
Bottom of my foot is numb.   No pain meds yet today and only one in the afternoon yesterday.   I have been getting some of those miserable shooting pains in my heel today but they are nothing as severe as in week 2 and week 3.  
Happy 4th of July and thank God for this computer to entertain me since I'm stuck in a house nearly 100% of the time!!  (can you say cabin fever.....severe cabin fever)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 3, 2011 Day 39

I've been reading other's blogs/experiences and I do think I am not experiencing all the problems some have.    Reading what other's have/are going through has been very therapeutic for me.    My surgeon never explained to me what all was going to happen, so I hadn't done the research.   I'm not sure that is a bad thing after reading some blogs.   I may have only had the tendon repair done.

 I will admit that I did suffer a great deal of pain after the block wore off.    My mom has been with me the entire time helping me and gosh, did I put her through some pain in my first week.  
If anyone reads this, I highly recommend keeping your foot elevated as much as possible.    I also recommend getting an ice pack machine for the first two weeks.    The morning after my surgery, I had to call in to the doctor's office and tell them the oxi wasn't working.   They had an ice machine delivered and the combination of icing and elevating did the trick.   Of course, being hooked up to that machine is a pain because anytime I wanted to get up and move around or use the restroom, I had to remove the "boot".   Since my mobility was limited, my mom had to help me put it back on each time.   What a pain I was for her.   One note, you can NOT do this on your own.   Between the physical pain and the emotional stress, you will need help the first two weeks.  Plan on it!!

Since my surgery was on my right foot, I cannot drive.   Today, my mom drove me to a hair appointment and then a little grocery shopping.   It was so hot and my fear of getting this cast wet (from sweat) caused me some anxiety.    I tire very easily and adding 95 degrees with high humidity doesn't help.  When I got home, I took a 5/325 Norco, elevated my foot and rested for three hours.    I did struggle sleeping last night but that was mainly due to the late night fireworks going off.   (I really do not enjoy loud fireworks)    Woke up a little late.    My foot always has feeling.   Frequently the outside of my foot burns.   (Feels like the incisions are raw)   The bottom of my foot feels numb.   Best way to explain this feeling is like you stepped in mud and the mud has dried tight on the bottom of the foot.   My big toe still feels dead.

My cast comes off in 8 days.    There is no way I can imagine putting any weight on this foot.  Scares me to even think of it.

If you are reading this, I hope you have a great day.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 2, 2011 Day 38

I had calcaneal osteotomy surgery on May 25th, 2011.   I had problems with my right ankle two years ago and needed to have my tendons repaired.    Because of my work, I put the surgery off.   I lost my job at the end of April and immediately went to the surgeon and scheduled the surgery. I do not recommend that anyone who has been told they should consider this surgery delay it.   I did and because of the way I walked for the two years, I am now having problems with my knee. My right leg is crooked (almost like knock knee).   

The surgeon said that both tendons that wrap under the ankle were "shattered" and he "tied" them together.    

I am still taking on average 1 5mm Norco per day.   I am still laying around and elevating my leg most of the day.   When I drop my leg for an hour at a time, it will throb.   I also have lingering numbness in foot (bottom of my foot and big toe). 

I am in a cast and the back of my heel and outside of my foot where the incisions are feel somewhat raw.  

I'm hoping each day will improve.