Saturday, August 6, 2011

Aug 6, 2011 Day 73

I still have a lot of numbness in the foot.   I really don't have much of an update other than at times I can put  a little more weight down on the foot.   I am still dependent on the crutches and knee walker if I have to go very far.   I called the surgeons office because I wanted to make sure that the incision where the screw went in was okay.   Because I ended up with a huge blood blister there it is taking time.   I was told to be patient.
Also told that they are hoping I can walk in my boot by the next visit which is in two weeks.   I am no where near being able to do that right now.   My heel still feels completely numb and like I'm walking on edging.  Ouch.   I was also told to keep elevating and icing.   I guess I kind of got lazy on the elevating since the intense pain is gone.  

Start working again on Monday.  

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