Monday, August 1, 2011

Aug 1, 2011 Day 68

Foot is feeling a little better now.   I can put more weight on it.   I still have the feeling that I am walking on a grill but it isn't as sharp as it was a week ago.   Hopefully, another week and I'll be feeling even better.
My foot is still completely numb on the outside of my foot, and my heel is quite numb.   The new skin on the back of my heel is tender.   Some more of the scab from the blood blister on the back of my heel is gone.    Hard to believe that scab/blood blister has lasted this long (10 weeks in two days or 68 days today post op).

Foot does swell when I walk much.   I know others have been walking in a shoe without crutches by now but I am not so lucky.   I am obese and that probably has a whole lot to do with my slower progress.

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