Saturday, August 17, 2013

August 17,2013 over two years since surgery

Many, many months since I've posted.
My foot is still numb but it is pretty solid when I walk.
My other foot is now my problem foot!
I have resolved that I will wear an ankle bracelet if I plan on a long day of walking.  I don't always need it but the extra support is helpful.

Overall, I am thrilled witht the end results of having this surgery.  I still have a few issues but overall, nothing compared to what I was like the years before surgery.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feb 21, 2012 - 9 months post surgery

I haven't updated in a long time.   I have read another's blog that had this surgery, but I think a more severe surgery than I did and he is still having some issues also.   The issues I am dealing with this far out are:
I still am completely numb from about my ankle to the back half of my foot.   The tendon area is still "weird" feeling.   This is hard to explain, but when I massage the tendon it tingles up and down my entire foot.   I also have a lot of heel pain if I try to make a day of walking or an hours worth of eliptical training.     The heel pad just hasn't heeled yet.   My foot looks deformed.   The back of my heel is VERY tender where that screw is,   Yikes does that smart when I try to put on a  shoe or even try to rest the back of my foot against something.   Just can't do it.   I am not discouraged yet because the surgeon said it would  take a long time to heal.   I highly recommend to anyone healing from this that as soon as you are cleared to do this, start exercising your foot.    The exercising is the only way I can get my foot to stop swelling.  The best exercise for me has been simply to stand on one foot.   The wiggling around trying to stay balanced builds the foot and ankle muscles.   I still twist my ankle easily which totally chaps me since this surgery was suppose to fix that!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sept 6, 2011 Day 104

My ankle is killing me today.   It is the inside part of my leg.   I still can't walk too far before my heel starts hurting and forcing me to limp badly.

All in all, I am not progressing very fast.   This is frustrating!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sept 2, 2011 Day 100

I am very discouraged with my lack of progress.   My foot is very uncomfortable.   I tried to walk around a mall the other day and that couple of hours on my feet has set me back for two days now.   I am walking with a very bad limp.   I'm not using my crutches because I caught the MRSA bacteria on the upper inside of my left arm.   If you don't know what the MRSA bacteria is, google it.  It is scary stuff.  I fought that for 11 days.  

Also, the back of my heel is still sore from the screw.   I am having slight pains in my arch and heel.

Enough whining today.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Aug 26, 2011 Day 93

The little walking I did today in and out of my office building, I did without my crutches.    My PT is trying to correct my gait since I walked with a limp prior to surgery, it seems I need to learn how to walk.    He said I wasn't letting my new aligned foot do its thing.   Right now that new foot aches and the bottom of my heel still fills like a gigantic bruise.       The back of my heel where the screw went in is still hard, crunchy skin.   I also have had more of those stabbing pains this week and shooting pains in the arch of my foot.   This surgery is one huge test on a person's patience.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Aug 14, 2011 Day 81

Doesn't feel like I have anything new to report.   I am still in a boot, partial weight bearing and with crutches.   My heel is still very uncomfortable and I have developed an "indention" on the inside of my heel that I am now concerened about.   I have also had lots of swelling.  I started a desk job so I'm not elevating during the day and by the time I get home, I am not able to put much weight on my foot.   I have been trying to go barefoot around the house and just touch my foot down.   I have very, very poor range of motion and doing the circles really causes my foot to be sore.   I also still have some "seeping" where the screw went in on the back of my heel.   Gosh, I hope I am not allergic to titanium!!

I really hope to be able to report positive news soon but right now, this is still a huge struggle for me.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Aug 6, 2011 Day 73

I still have a lot of numbness in the foot.   I really don't have much of an update other than at times I can put  a little more weight down on the foot.   I am still dependent on the crutches and knee walker if I have to go very far.   I called the surgeons office because I wanted to make sure that the incision where the screw went in was okay.   Because I ended up with a huge blood blister there it is taking time.   I was told to be patient.
Also told that they are hoping I can walk in my boot by the next visit which is in two weeks.   I am no where near being able to do that right now.   My heel still feels completely numb and like I'm walking on edging.  Ouch.   I was also told to keep elevating and icing.   I guess I kind of got lazy on the elevating since the intense pain is gone.  

Start working again on Monday.