Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sept 6, 2011 Day 104

My ankle is killing me today.   It is the inside part of my leg.   I still can't walk too far before my heel starts hurting and forcing me to limp badly.

All in all, I am not progressing very fast.   This is frustrating!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sept 2, 2011 Day 100

I am very discouraged with my lack of progress.   My foot is very uncomfortable.   I tried to walk around a mall the other day and that couple of hours on my feet has set me back for two days now.   I am walking with a very bad limp.   I'm not using my crutches because I caught the MRSA bacteria on the upper inside of my left arm.   If you don't know what the MRSA bacteria is, google it.  It is scary stuff.  I fought that for 11 days.  

Also, the back of my heel is still sore from the screw.   I am having slight pains in my arch and heel.

Enough whining today.